This Old Dog is Learning New Tricks

So I have been asked how my new teaching gig is going at North Harrison High School.

In earnest, I have not taught an English class since 2015.  I have not taught English full time in many more years than that. Guess what?  That old adage about riding a bike is true.  I hit my stride in no time at all.  And guess what, again?  This old dog is learning some new tricks!  I am using this thing called Google Classroom.  I am making video recordings that summarize the daily lessons and it is a great thing.   If a student is not present, he or she can still get caught up on what went on in class that day.

Room 104 is where I reside now.  It is so much bigger than an office I can tell you.

I feel so blessed to have the chance to build positive relationships with the students I see in class 6 periods a day.  It is a wonderful thing.

Every day we have a “Quote of the Day” on the board.  Yesterday, I just left this one up there and did not address it in any formal manner.  It was August 24, 1984 when Paul Haub said this on a team bus heading to Brownstown.  We defeated the Braves that night 59-0.  It is still the worst defeat for BCHS at Blevins Stadium and I am so glad I was a part of it.

Being in the classroom is great. Watching that “dink” of a lightbulb over a student’s head as he or she formulates some critical thinking and “gets it” is a thing of wonder.  It is why we are there.  I never tire seeing students make progress and I ache when they do not care.

We press onward.  That is one of my mantras.  That and this one that is on display in the room:

I sincerely believe this.

And yes, this old North Harrison Cougar is back in the fray of helping the football team along in a season that brings crowds and some normalcy back.  No, I never thought I would be here again in this capacity.  But I am.  I am so thankful.

Last Friday I saw this moon coming up over the trees and harkened back to a day so many years ago in October when I saw the same scene.  It was dark that night.  It was October and not August. The harvest moon was a bit larger.  Ronald Reagan was in the White House I am sure.  Still, this stirred a great deal in me when I saw it this past Friday.

I left North in March 2020 and went to work at another school.  I didn’t expect to be back.  I am.  And I am having a wonderful time helping students learn to use the English language to their benefit.  Like I tell them often, it is all about being better communicators.

Yes, we lost the first varsity game against Salem.  One game does not a season make.

This Friday the Cougars play at Scottsburg.  It should be a good one!

Speaking the thankful rights.

Danny Johnson


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