I must report that I have been getting some unsolicited comments about this website.
I am not impressed.
I get spamesque messages that say something about how they like what they see on my site and think I put too much work into it and are offering me ways to cheat with my posts and make them something they are not.
I hope this is not considered the American Way.
It is not my American Way. I like to think for myself. I like to write. I like to put forth that which I hope entertains and makes one think on occasion.
I am put off with someone suggesting I cheat because it appears that I “work too hard…” Hogwash! What made this country great? Taking the easy way out? I don’t think so.
So, all you spam spouters….know this: I enjoy writing. I plan on bringing forth nothing but original thought to this space and you can all eat more possum!
While you’re at it….leave speaktherights.com alone.
Just speaking the rights.
Danny Johnson