Well, here we are. Middle July and school is just around the corner. This is a good thing.
I can do without the hot weather I can tell you. I am not a great fan. Sun burn is an evil thing, don’t you think?
Oh well, we shall press onward.
Twenty years ago today John Kennedy Jr. died in a plane crash. Wonder what would have happened had he lived? I would like to think we would not have a House of Representatives meeting today that looks and sounds like he said she said and liar liar pants on fire.
What the hell are we teaching kids anyway?
Stay silent when you know it is best to speak up for what is right? That is not the answer. Political crickets GOP style.
I get asked why I am as hard on the Republicans as I am. It is easy for me. I am a Republican. I just expect more. The high road rarely goes down Main Street. 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. is nowhere near the high road these days.
If the president knew how to act we would never know about these four freshmen congresswomen getting a limelight they should not be getting but are thanks to a president who can’t get his stuff together.
He can play footsie and fall in love with dictators. That is easy.
He can tweet and call people names. That is easy.
He has yet to lead. Take a look around.
Speaking the rights.
Danny Johnson