My regrets to The Moody Blues for a take on their 1968 album.
My dear wife, Carrie, and I are sitting in a Topsail Beach, NC coffee shop. It is our closest link to finding internet service. The place we are staying, affected be Hurricane Matthew has no cable TV or internet service. It usually is quite reliable. The folks on Topsail Island are counting their blessings. It was largely spared of defeat in the face of a Hurricane that headed inland.
This is where I sit as I type these words. All is well. Just ask Carl.
He was staring out at the ocean soon after we got here.
The sky was blue, the ocean quite busy, the island relieved.
At the Farmer’s Market in Raleigh, we happened on some good old fashioned purple hull pleas like I used to eat when I was a kid. Carrie consulted my mother on the phone as to how to prepare them to the fullest. They both came through. The peas were a success!
So was the day old cinnamon/sour dough bread we picked up at the Market. Accompanied with cooked apples, grits, and a good cup of coffee, this was quite the breakfast yesterday morning.
We have been blessed this week to have my sister, Lynn, and my niece, Katie, here with us. They are having a marvelous time.
The College Football picks were moderately successful. Another week of 9 winners and 4 losers.
I can tell you it has been awkward not looking at a football game recently. No Sunday games to watch. No Monday Night Football. Truth is, I am not sure it has not been a good thing.
I hope all in the civilized world are doing well.
To tell you the truth, what I have not missed seeing is all the political drama being played out as we come nearer to a resolution to the worst presidential election season this country will ever know; I am confident of that.
This Saturday Carrie and I are supposed to meet up with the Biddles and the Pettys on our way home. Brother Tim, Robert, and Davis and I are heading to Rocky Top to watch the Vols host the Tide. I will sit between Tim and Bob and wear an Ole Miss shirt as I declare myself to be Switzerland that afternoon. Doubt that sentence has ever been thought of before.
Have a good rest of your week. Thanks to the folks hosting my post today. I can tell you they make a good cup of coffee.
Take care and speak the rights!
Danny Johnson