You’re a Big Boy Now/Billy Falcon

EDITORIAL NOTE:  I wrote this yesterday and I mistakenly called Billy Falcon’s tune “Best Day”…it is called “Best Song”.  My apology to Billy Falcon and his talent.

You’re a Big Boy Now…that is the name of The Lovin’ Spoonful album released in 1967…I just found that it was actually the soundtrack to a movie by the same name.

I recently found and purchased a The Lovin’ Spoonful compilation album.  For years I have admired their sound having never turned one of their tunes over when they showed themselves on radio.  I suppose this group is most famous for the following:

Do You Believe in Magic

Summer in the City

Did You Ever Have to Make Up Your Mind

You Didn’t Have To Be So Nice

Nashville Cats

The song that took me aback was a song I have heard as long as I can remember.  To me, it is a tune that just kind of makes time stand still.  For the last how ever many decades when I have heard this song, I had no idea who sang it.  It just showed up as I was sitting at this very spot doing some research.  And I thought…oh my…I love this song.  I have always loved this song.  It is called “Darling Be Home Soon”.  Look it up.

My compilation says it came from the album called: You’re a Big Boy Now.  Before I realized it was a part of the movie by the same name, I figured it about the maturation of The Lovin’ Spoonful’s sound.  It has strings and a sensibility about is way beyond “Do You Believe in Magic”.

Once in a great while you might find a treasure like I did with this song.  There are not too many songs like that to add to my shelf and catalog of music.

With that said…and meant most sincerely…this morning as I was driving away from Nashville, Tennessee, I heard a song that moved me like I didn’t think a song could anymore.  The artist was a guy called Billy Falcon.  The song was called “Best Song”.  It played on Hippie Radio 94.5 as part of a local artist  vote for the best thing.

Those of you who read on a regular basis know that I have spent a day or two in the studio myself recording and having a great time doing it.  This morning, as I listened to this WONDERFUL song, I wondered if Billy Falcon ever met my friend Tim Krekel?  Hearing Billy Falcon’s sound, I just figured they had met somewhere.  It is a romantic notion, I suppose.

“Best Song” was the BEST SONG I have heard in years.  Can I relate to it better than you?  Probably.  I do write songs.  Still, there are images and allusions there we can all treasure and hang on to.

I was blessed to be heading up the road today on I-65 North and having my radio tuned into the station that gave me a song I needed to hear.  That is saying something!  I am a tough critic.  Billy Falcon…God Bless You.  You excited me with song.  That is not an easy thing to do.  I am usually wrapped up in either my own sound or The Moody Blues.

Speaking the Billy Falcon is AWESOME rights…

Danny Johnson



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