speaktherights.com College Football Predictions Week #5- Riley Pringle LIVES!

Last weekend’s trip to Bowling Green was great!  Yes, the Hoosiers gave me indigestion, but the atmosphere there at that stadium was absolutely fantastic.

One cheek hill.  That is what I call Neylan Stadium in Knoxville.

Translation:  The seat numbers are WAY too close together.  This was the case at WKU as well.  I don’t remember that malady the last time I was there to watch the Hilltoppers take on the Marshall Thundering Herd.  Maybe my cheeks have gained some width?  Maybe the upper deck seats are closer together than the ones downstairs?  It doesn’t matter.  I lived to tell the story.

There were some stories to tell from that trip to Bowling Green!

  1.  There was a VERY POLITE fan about six rows behind us.  He spoke up when compelled to do so.  His voice sounded like the character on the old TV show FRASIER named Noel Shemski.  I laughed out loud and so did my dear wife, Carrie, when Western spread the field much to the delight of “Noel”.  He declared this, very emphatically…”Six receiver set!”  Well, sorry Noel.  Six receivers is a penalty.  But I am glad you were excited and reported your delight to us!

2.  Did you ever watch the ABC television show from the late 80s and early 90s called COACH?  I sure did.  In a few episodes, Coach Hayden Fox had run-ins with the band director Riley Pringle.  Well, Riley Pringle lives!

During halftime, the WKU Band was on the field performing their very nice show.

As is the custom, the Indiana kick-off specialist came out to swing his leg a few times during halftime.  He was as polite as he could be.  The band was still playing and the IU kicker put his kicking tee on the sideline to steer clear of the band.  Well, the Riley Pringle of Western Kentucky took umbrage with this intent.  He GRABBED THE BALL OFF THE TEE and stepped toward the field and would NOT give the ball back to the Indiana kicker.  It was surreal!  After I was sure what was going on, I pointed it out to Carrie.  She cackled.  Sio did I!  This was an ESPN SPORTSCENTER moment that was never recorded.  It plays over in my mind.  That is it.  I have searched for video footage of this rhubarb.  Can’t find it.

An Indiana ambassador and a Western Kentucky ambassador finally made peace between the band director and the Indiana kicker.  I loved every second of it.  I only wish I had a picture!

This will have to do!

On to this week’s picks!

Iowa  beats Maryland…The Hawkeyes have something to prove.  Look for a blowout!

Georgia beats Arkansas…This is going to be fun!  Pick for Lewis Grizzard!

Michigan beats Swissconsin...And I can’t wait!

Purdue beats Minnesota…In the parlance of Keith Jackson, “It should be a good one.”

Louisville beats Wake Forest…BB&T Field is not an intimidating place to play. Been there.

USC beats Colorado…Can it get any worse for the men of Troy?  I hope not!

Notre Dame beats Cincinnati… And I am looking forward to it.

Brother Tim Petty, you know it is coming.  2 years ago we were there in the heat of Bryant-Denny!

It was an experience I will cherish!

Ole Miss beats Alabama…Turnovers. Just wait.

Kentucky beats Florida…The Cats are real, believe it or not!

Indiana beats Penn State…Go Hoosiers!  I STILL BELIEVE!

Nebraska beats Northwestern…The Huskers lose to the Wildcats at home? Nah.

UCLA beats Arizona State…I will be pumped at 10:30 EDT.  In the Rose Bowl!  Just hope there are not hideous alternate uniforms for the Bruins.

LSU beats Auburn…Were they not playing Auburn back in the day when an LSU touchdown pass by Tommy Hodson set off the seismograph at the LSU Geology department?  Earthquake time again in a night game at Death Valley.

Enjoy the games this weekend!  I know I will.

Speaking the rights…

Danny Johnson






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