News Feeds? I Don’t Think So. Sorry Mort.

Editorial Note:  Written while listening to the Brownstown Central Braves play Sullivan for the Regional Championship.  Listening is painful.  One Brave announcer finds it cute to call out Jack Benter by his first name…at all times…whilst referencing the other BC players by their last name.  Thankfully, JACK is a senior.  Listening to this is always painful. Know that I called football, basketball, and baseball on radio at the high school level for many years. I feel I can state this.  Still, I follow the Braves when my North Harrison Cougars are not playing.

I am either that old or that much of a traditionalist.  

Not unlike so many of us, I have a “news feed” on my cell phone that is dictated by that which I am interested in.  Ballet does not show up.  Water Polo does not show up.  My news feed has a great deal of items related to music and a great many devoted to sports.  Football is the primary sport I am “informed” of.

News Feeds, for me, are becoming more and more unworthy with each passing day.

I get stuff like this:

3 Musicians That Dislike the Eagles…who cares?  I don’t like The Eagles.  Sure, I have a copy of Hotel California. But why should I give a rat’s bladder about 3 musicians who don’t like The Eagles.  I know their windbags.  Personally I don’t think The Eagles pushed themselves creatively.  Still, I don’t care what any other musician thinks about them similarly to how I don’t care what a music critic thinks.

Alabama had 2 coaches in mind to replace Nick Saban… I certainly doubt that.  There had to be at least six candidates on the short list.  The hierarchy of the Tide Athletic Admin and Boosters would never let themselves appear to be a bunch that had to keep looking.

Rece Davis names Big Ten Team that will ‘Never” be Michigan or Ohio State... Does it get any dumber than this?  Probably.  But man, this is asinine.  How do I get this off my phone?  I liken it to stepping in a pile of dog crap and noticing that something stinks after I take my shoes off.

Paul Finebaum Bluntly Names College Football Teams That Don’t Belong in CFP (College Football Playoff)…  The 2024 season starts in earnest the first week in September.  Why?  People really care about this?  Look, I think the world of Paul Finebaum.  His daily show on the SEC Network is a throwback.  Regular callers.  Great guests.  Paul lets folks have their say.  Face it.  My news feed stinks.  Am I that boring and predictable?

Rece Davis Names Most Underrated Fight Song in College Football… Shoot me. We really care about this in March?  You say someone does?  God help them.

BRAVES LEAD AT THE HALF…29-18…if I heard correctly.  Listening is not easy.  Oh, by the way, I just answered the station’s halftime trivia question and won a pizza.  Small consolation prize for the listen.

The College Football Announcing Road always leads me back to Keith Jackson.  I know.  I know.  He’s gone.  But that doesn’t mean we can’t try to do it like Keith did.

My favorite Keith Jackson quotes:

“Amplify, clarify, and let the viewer draw his or her own conclusion.”...How refreshing.  Don’t be the story.  Tell the story.

If I’ve helped people enjoy the telecast, that’s fine.  That’s my purpose.”…The man knew his purpose.

“The one thing you can’t ever forget-the playing field is the property of the players and coaches.  It’s not to be used by some fat-butted announcer trying to make a name for himself.”….Keith would never have a chance in today’s climate of blow-hard announcers.  I love the man.

Keith was a soothsayer…

“When the money gets bigger and the stakes get higher, the sea gets wider, and the sharks in the water grow sharper teeth.”…  College football personified long before there was a thing called NIL in play.  Keith Jackson died a long time ago.  The man was ahead of his time.

How messed up is my news feed?

I get all the crap I have mentioned here on my phone (not the Keith Jackson stuff).  What did I not get on my phone?

Today as I was on the elliptical downstairs, I decided to go through some YouTube to find something to pass the time.  I found a story that broke my heart.

It’s March 9th and only today did I find out that the great Chris Mortensen, Mort, a credible NFL JOURNALIST,  A REAL ONE, died on March 3rd.  How great was Mort?  Peyton Manning knew he could TRUST Mort.  When Peyton Manning left the Indianapolis Colts, he told Mort.  And he asked Mort to sit on the story until the next day.  Mort was a man of his word.  Mort was a man of dignity.  Mort was a man of truth.

Why did I not know this?  I don’t watch ESPN’s Sportscenter.  Can’t stand the announcers.  I don’t read a daily paper.  One is no longer delivered to my address.  Another The Day the Music Died story.  How can my credible news feed leave out the death of Mort?

Get me out of here.  I don’t watch pre-game shows.  And now looks like I need to find a way to change my news feed on my phone.

Keith Jackson, I am glad you did not live long enough to see this.

Speaking the rights…

Danny Johnson



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