Along the Way

I did not walk today.  In the previous 7 days I walked 38 miles.  This morning I settled on some time lifting and 2 miles on the elliptical and two miles on the stationary bike.  Why did I walk so much?  Two reasons:  trying to maintain a better habit of health.  Though I walked a great deal on our trip to the Northeast, I also ate a whole lot more than I usually do.  Lobsters rolls that I eat are the truth and they include real bread and PLENTY of real butter.  Also there is a nice country store near where we stay that carries not only all the papers one would want to read but also a crumble cake concoction that is unreal.  Also I have been taking advantage of the cool temperatures and the low humidity that came with it.  Have mercy that was good walking weather.  Felt almost like The Berkshires in the Rolling Hills here.

Next week my dear wife, Carrie, and my sister, Lynn, and her daughter, Katie, are going to see relatives in Mississippi for a few days.  This is always a good time.  I am looking forward to it.  I think it was 2013 the last time we were down there for our family reunion in October.  That is good times.

Watching the healthcare debate in Washington has been a strong lesson to younger folks as to what NOT to do when you grow up to be a politician.  Be he or she Republican, Libertarian, Democrat, or Independent,  the office of the president of the USA is not a place to be cutting your political teeth.  That is what we are dealing with.  Clue vs. No clue.  We have a Commander in Tweet and that is about the size of it.  Look, I got a license to say this.  I am a Republican and we lost our chance when John Kasich got turned away.  No one should be shocked that any of this is not working out well.  When Mitch McConnell announced to the world that his intent was to see President Obama fail, Mitch failed the country and what comes around goes around.  Power and greed are alive and well in this country, otherwise we would have a chance to have a real leader in the White House.

If you  have insurance and you need to go to physical therapy to get yourself in better working order because you care about yourself and your loved ones, you better TAKE ADVANTAGE OF YOUR OPPORTUNITY before the chance is taken away.

One of my favorite writers shared with me his support for Donald Trump and called him amoral in the same sentence.  He said it was up to those around him to shape him up.  Well, I don’t think there is time for that.

I have said it before and I will say it again.  We are back to the 1960s again.  The kids that couldn’t get along in the Summer of Love are still fighting…and a country weakens all over again.  Is there enough resolve to do the right thing?  At what point will honesty still matter?  I am not a big fan of the news outlets that pander to the left or the right.  But I do get a sense we are dealing with a little Pravdaesque treatment from an administration that really doesn’t do much administrating.  The White House is whiter than ever.  The whitewash is in full flower and the painted constituents look like photo negatives of the flower children.

Pardon me while I listen to The Moody Blues album Days of Future Passed.  Both sides know a good thing from 1967 when they hear it.  We could use some more of that today.

Speaking the rights…

Danny Johnson


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